Who “Belongs” in an Online Class?

March 7, 2018 | 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm | CETLS, S510D

“Online Courses Are Harming the Students Who Need the Most Help” is the headline of a January 19, 2018, New York Times article that concludes: “…the evidence is clear. For advanced learners, online classes are a terrific option, but academically challenged students need a classroom with a teacher’s support.

Is your reaction to nod your head in agreement, or raise a hand to object? What can be done for the “students who need the most help”? How does this deficit-framing affect our perceptions and actions when teaching online?

Take a look at the short articles below and come discuss with your colleagues at the Online Teaching Brown Bag on Wednesday, March 7, 1-2 pm in CETLS:


Online Courses Are Harming the Students Who Need the Most Help



In Coverage of Online Courses, Generalizations Prevail



Teasing out the meaning of “online classes”



The Case for Inclusive Teaching

https://www.chronicle.com/article/The-Case-for-Inclusive/242636 (in particular the second half of the article)


Can’t attend in person? Join us via Zoom web conferencing: https://zoom.us/j/773876175


This series is a collaboration between CETLS and E-Learning.

Please RSVP to [email protected].

