Task-based Language Teaching: A Responsible Way to Teach Languages

November 8, 2017 | 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Hudson Room, S249

Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) promotes language acquisition through the performance of meaningful communicative tasks. TBLT is a pedagogy in which students act primarily as language users, rather than primarily language learners as is the case in traditional instruction. TBLT activities are structured in three stages that together comprise a task cycle: pre-task, task performance, and post-task. A task cycle can be easily integrated into an existing curriculum. In this talk the presenter will outline the principles for TBLT, discuss research that supports this model, and provide examples of task implementation.

This talk will be led by Tom Means, Associate Professor in the Modern Languages department at BMCC, and is hosted by theĀ Language, Society, and Culture FIG.


For more information about this event, please contact Deniz Gokcora ([email protected]).
